My 1967 Dodge Dart is a bracket car. And it’s done a pretty good job when I figure out the tune lol. It does really well on a good track prep. But it hasn’t exactly been bad on poor prep/no prep. The advantage of having a big tire on a mild-ish combination. And since I have to travel to race pretty much anywhere, I try to support the “local” tracks when I can. I sure miss the 30 minute tow to race multiple times a month. Now I’m lucky to get out 4-5 times a year. That said, this time it’s no prep! A young event on a pretty new track – this green surface is sure to cause a few issues for a lot of cars. I won the 7.35 index class at the 2023 event and have high hopes for this year’s contest. Will we be able to manage the surface? Will we be able to take home some of that Basin Bash cash? Come along for the ride to find out!
Special thanks to my brother Patrick and my bonus son Jacob for all their help in making our attending this event possible!
Check out the inaugural event, Basin Bash 2023 and our road to victory here:

See some of our other drag racing/bracket racing adventures here:

Be sure to check us out elsewhere on ye olde internet. So far we’re hanging out on the Instagram, the Facetubes and the Twitter. And giving the tiktok another shot…
#noprep #noprepracing #basinbash #mopar #moparmuscle #moparornocar #dragracing #dragcar #dodge #dodgedart #goodtimes #classiccar #vernal #rural #projectcars #viral #viralvideo #musclecar #americanmuscle